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warlock Empty warlock

Post  Syllk Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:17 am

Not sure how complicated spamming Shadowbolt can be even with a macro tbh, the reason you get abuse from people is that everyone knows Warlocks are 'supposed to be overpowered' (with the right spec and skill) so loads of people have rerolled Warlock to cash in on this uberness. Sadly not all players have alot of skill or are mature enough to admit it. (See 'Catsmilk' for an example of immaturity) All the Warlock specs function well in PVP aswell as PVE and this is usually why you will get killed 1 on 1 if they jump you when farming (again see 'Catsmilk' for this sort of tactic)

This is the new 'best class' ;as Rogues used to be the best class, 1 or 2 shotting clothies preTBC for fun before Blizzard realised that 60% of the players on the servers were all Rogues and totally nurfed them. Instant fears (with short cooldowns), instant casts (DoT's etc), unlimited mana (life tap, drain life, drain mana) and pets that do more for you than a hunters one ever will all add to the 'best class' (again this is if you spec correctly and have the timing of your abilities down)

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warlock Empty Re: warlock

Post  Slawter Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:00 pm

This is not completely true... ofc when you get jumped on by a warlock it is usually hard to react.. depending on your class.
However, Rogues are also VERY hard to defeat when they jump a warlock. Primarily, we can't use fear on a rogue, this is mainly due to the fact that they can pretty much interfere with all of your fears, and unleash a hell load of very quick attacks. First of all, this makes your shadow bolt take a very long time to cast, and about the only damage you can get in is about two DoT's and then attack /w the wand.

I agree that we can death coil (which i also agree is imba, and giving us time to fear) however when we apply the fear afterwards, most classes will break the fear with a trinket, and then start another attack on us, leaving us powerless. When being attacked, life drain is useless, shadow bolt takes a long time, and immolate takes a long time too... in the end, we usually end up dead as we are clothies and therefore 'squishy' (we may have a lot of health if we have good stamina, but this health does not have much defence). The only chance we have against being jumped are usually against priests, pallys and mages.

Hunters are beatable if they have a tank pet, rather than a DPS pet (cats make life hell as they have very quick attacks, a beast mastery hunter is nearly impossible to kill)
Shamans are beatable if you are not a noob and destroy their totems before fearing them (otherwise fear doesn't affect them)
Druids cat form are very destructive as they again have very fast attacks, though when feared they can be quite easy.
Rogue's are very hard with their quick moves and their interferes
Warriors are usually very hard as they have several moves that break fear

And as well as this: MOST UN-NOOBISH PVP PLAYERS HAVE THE TRINKET WHICH BREAKS A FEAR (and this makes life hell for us)

So, to sum it up, it really isn't that easy to be jumped.. and if YOU have difficulty being jumped by a warlock, then that's completely normal, as most classes have a lot of trouble being jumped by a rogue. In fact, most classes have trouble with a rogue when they actually know that they're there.

Now what you said about re-rolling Warlock = i rolled warlock from browsing many forums and trying out many different classes to see which was the FUNNEST and was relatively easy to level. I still believe Warlocks are the funnest.. i had a Hunter and got him to lvl 32 and stopped cos i cld not entertain myself with him.

1. Our instant fears can only be used once in a match, and most players can dispell the AoE one.. the other one only lasts 3 seconds
2. our DoT's do a lot of damage i admit, but remember, they are over time. A skilled melee class can usually kill you before they have had a big toll on their own health.
3.Unlimited mana?... my mana tap uses SO much health that i NEVER use it in PvP, and drain Mana does just about zilch in pvp
4. Unlimited health? When being rained on by melee class, the drain life spell gets about 2 drains, out of about 5 or 6, which has big expense to the amount of mana it costs
5. When farming and being jumped, a lock usually has a tank pet out.. for affliction or destuction warlock.. then our pets are deemed useless, as we can only use the voidwalker... which does hardly any damage and can be completely ignored.. when demonology, our felguard tank can do a good amount of damage... but we cant.

That was my overall on PvP

For PvE and levelling, however, you are right... it is not hard to spam shadowbolt, it is not hard to lvl, and it is not hard to get good damage... so i agree with you in that case... but please think again about being jumped on in PvP... every class has problems being jumped on by other classes

Now i will say i'm extremely sorry for writing such a long post Razz

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warlock Empty Re: warlock

Post  Slawter Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:21 pm

ps i didn't have a clue what you meant by catsmilk... so i googled it and found this 23 page long forum about catsmilk on talnivarr... Is he really this well known??? he must be a real arsehole to be THIS renowned for ganking Neutral

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warlock Empty Re: warlock

Post  Syllk Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:28 pm

This is in situational 1v1 outside of the Arena where you find a rogue grinding or just killing mobs (although some of the tactics can be and should be used in Arena 2v2)

The point I was making was to beat an average 70 rogue you MUST use your lowest fear(save your best fear til he is vulnerable*)+1 quick DoT to make him use either the trinket or CoS, then another fear+1 quick DoT is neccesary so he uses the other CoS or trinket.

You are relying on the rogue to panic and try to avoid everything by blowing all his CD's.

If the rogue is skilled he will not panic and try to kill you through the fear and the dots, this tactic does NOT work as long as you can get as many dots onto him to force the trinket, CoS. After this he is vulnerable* with 1min CD on CoS, 5min on WotF, 2min on Trinket. So you have at best 1min to reapply DoT's and death coil fear kite him around til he is dead. Your pet is useful to stop him getting to you, e.g. Succubus will Charm, Felguard will chase him down, Imp will..well blast him with fire, Voidwalker....mmm, not much use there.

As long as you have your detect invisibilty up most times you can spot the rogue before he get his opener on you. The reason being is that if he is combat sword/fist/mace PVE specced (as everyone says you should be, blah,blah and about 60% of the server usually is), there is not much room for improved stealth in the talent distrubution. You wont be getting another vanish (via preperation), or ambushed(as he will prolly be using either a sword, fist or mace) as those are deep into Subtelty talents and require a dagger for ambush in the main hand. He will be slow in stealth and wont have the range on the blind/sap or the reduced CD on both, giving you the warlock the advantage.

My tactic would be to Premeditation, Shadowstep, Garrotte (which silences the target), then Kidney Shot or Eviscerate depending on the combo points gained. After that its a dps race for me to kill the warlock before he can fear me. Probably throwing in a blind to give me a second to reassess the situation. With my 2 vanishes, i can potentially do either 3 garrottes, 3 ambushes as long as I get the opener and time it right.

I cant comment on other classes as I`m not experienced enough in their particular fields of weakness/strengths at 70 with regard to PVP.



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warlock Empty Re: warlock

Post  Unparalleled Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:19 pm


Any one hear what nerfs warlocks are reciving next patch?!


*Apparently* Warlock fear will now be broken by DoT's next patch, which means, no more Fear DoT, DoT, DoT, run, Fear in PvP. I love it when they make classes THAT much easier to take down. Razz

Although i have heard this from an unreliable source so you will have to keep checking wow forums/wow-europe patch notes to see if it is REALLY true or not.

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